For independent research - because every patient matters!

The current Situation 

The majority of clinical trials are conducted by industry. The reason for this is how costly, time-consuming and labor-intensive the clinical development of new therapies is. Understandably, the industry invests its financial resources primarily in products that promise a certain return on investment.

Unfortunately, many medically relevant issues are of no interest to the industry for this reason. Answers to questions about the treatment of rare diseases (orphan diseases) could, for example, lead to the optimization of standard treatment or to more cost-effective forms of treatment. However, this has largely failed to materialize at present.


We firmly believe that it is important to promote doctors with an interest in science who are working on these topics. They provide more effective therapies with a strong focus on better patient care. Therefore, the conduct of investigator-initiated or industry-independent/non-commercial clinical trials is essential for medicine and optimal medical care, but the number of non-commercial clinical trials is unfortunately decreasing in Europe.

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